


Environment-Safe Health Management

We will make environment-safe health management
With the belief of respecting human life and living together with the nature

Introduction to Environmental Safety and Health Management

Kumho Polychem believes that human life can coexist with nature, and as such, all of our company actions uphold related environmental, safety, and health regulations. To minimize risks and effect on the environment, we actively push forward various activities based on the Environmental, Safety, and Health Management System (ISO 14001, ISO 45001).

We continuously invest in facilities to reduce various pollutants that occur during the production process, to better protect our environment, and work hard to restore local community environments. Additionally, we focus our capabilities on developing eco-friendly products and solutions to achieve “carbon neutrality”, the most basic way to respond to climate change.

Further, to ensure our workplace is safe, we conduct full safety and health management activities under the guise of surpassing legal standards. We conduct a review of all laws and regulations related to safety and health each quarter, and discover risk factors, so we can implement improvement procedures. We further monitor the status of health and safety management in each workplace through a safety and health management report overseen by our CEO.

Kumho Polychem vows to become a sustainable business that upholds our societal responsibilities and places the environment, safety, and health above all else.

청정기술의 개발

Development of clean technology

환경의 투명성 유지

Keeping of transparency of environment

지속적인 투자로 유해위험요소 제거

Removal of harmful and risk factors through continuous investment

효율적인 환경 오염 물질 관리

Efficient management of environment polluting materials

무재해 사업장 조성

Building of disaster-free work sites

안전 보건 활동의 투명성 유지

Keeping of transparency in the safety and health activities

Awards and recognitions in environment, safety, and health management

  1. Dec. 2001Awarded the Safety Management Award (by the Minister of Employment and Labor)
  2. Jun. 2005Awarded the Environmental Management Award (by the Prime Minister)
  3. Jun. 2006Awarded as an Excellent Environmentally-Friendly Business (by the Minister of Environment)
  4. Nov. 2007Awarded the Korean Safety Award (by the Prime Minister)
  5. Jun. 2008Awarded the Environmental Management Award (by the President)
  6. Jun. 2008Awarded as an Excellent Environmentally-Friendly Business (by the Minister of Environment)
  7. Dec. 2009Awarded the Complete Safety Management Award (by the Minister of Labor)
  8. Jun. 2011Awarded the 2011 Korean Green Management Awards Product Award (by the Minister of Environment)
  9. Dec. 2011Received our 4th designation as a Green Company (by the Ministry of Environment)
  10. Jun. 2012Awarded the Green Management Award (by the Minister of Knowledge Economy)
  11. 2016Awarded the Korean Energy Efficiency Award (by the Prime Minister), achieved a 15-time zero hazard record
  12. 2020Obtained ISO-45001 certification
  13. 2021Maintained non-accidents in the environment for 28 years, and fostered a continuous conflict-free business site for 32 years